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How to Spot Errors and Inaccuracies During a Credit Audit

How to Spot Errors and Inaccuracies During a Credit Audit

Mistakes can take place in any business. It is important to spot errors and understand how to correct them at the right time. Error detection can become serious, whether it is a small error or a big one. However, mistakes may not be made intentionally, they can happen sometimes. An auditor should analyze the data carefully to avoid any financial errors that can affect the future decisions of the company. In this blog, you’ll learn how to spot errors and inaccuracies during a credit audit.  

An auditor has the quality of finding errors that a common person cannot find. Financial blunders in audits can be hurtful and become costly for the business. For a successful business, it is vital to have efficient management of financial records. If an auditor has found any error, he knows how to fix it and investigate how the error was conducted. Below are different types of errors that an auditor can look for in an organization.  

Types of Error in Credit Audit 

There are different types of errors, but the most common are the following: 

Commission Error 

Commission errors happen when the auditor is not attentively working on the financial data. In such cases, auditors put the wrong entries under the wrong account. For instance, you have made a purchase of 7000, but it mistakenly mentioned 70000 in the financial account. A lot of such errors become significant in the end.  

Omission Error  

This error happens when a specific transaction is not added to the account statement. There is a possibility that the transaction is not recorded in the audit or showing in some accounts. In such a scenario, the transaction is not added to the accounts, and there will be no entry in the credit or debit information.  

Principle Error 

Principle errors occur when there are mistakes in the transaction record. Mostly, the transaction is recorded in the wrong account. This type of transaction can impact the trial balance.  

Duplication Error  

When a transaction is added twice or more in the account, it is called a duplication error. This error occurs when a statement is made more than one time. An auditor with skills and understanding can notice the duplication in the state because it can harm the balance of the account. If you have faced any error in credit audit, Credit Max Solutions is here to help.  

Compensation Error  

If an auditor finds any fraudulent activity that someone was trying to hide in the financial book, it is called a compensation error. Finding such errors can be challenging because credit and debit are well balanced that is showing no effect on any trial balance. An auditor with good observation and understanding can find such errors that are affecting the financial book silently.  

Methods to Spot Errors and Inaccuracies  

To spot errors and inaccuracies during a credit audit, New York credit repair uses various methods to detect errors in the financial book. Such use of methods depends on the issue. Below are the means used by auditors to spot errors and inaccurate information.  

Look Unusual Transaction  

An auditor should look for a transaction that has not occurred before. If they find any cost that was not mentioned previously, it should need a thorough analysis of the financial book. In such cases, an auditor checks when the transaction occurred and what tactic was used to hide it. Unusual transactions harm the credit analysis because it indicates a hidden transaction.   

How to Spot Errors and Inaccuracies During a Credit Audit


Another method that helps an auditor detect errors is to plan a session of brainstorming all the data of the financial book. The auditor brainstorms all the situations to know how an error happened and its business nature. Due to brainstorming, sometimes auditors find an error easily within a short time, and sometimes a complex credit audit needs more time and brainstorming session. 

Through brainstorming, a well-skilled auditor can find different ways to find errors and inaccuracies in the account book. It helps to know the reason behind the error and how to fix it in the right manner.  

Comparison With Historical Data 

One of the helpful methods to detect errors is comparing historical data with new information. This method helps to know the difference between the information. It is one of the easiest and most convenient methods to find an error in the financial record. To compare, it would be best to collect the historical data for five years. It helps in finding whether the transaction was actual or not. Previous financial data has a lot of information that can help an auditor to find errors in a credit audit.  

Comparing with Other Financial Documents 

After comparing with historical data, an auditor can compare with other financial documents to know the difference. An auditor can take complementary sources to check the information of the transaction. It will allow the auditor to understand the financial status of the account. It makes it easy for an auditor to spot any account discrepancies.  

How to Spot Errors and Inaccuracies During a Credit Audit

Spot Changes in the Financial Process  

In most companies, their account department chooses different audit methods, which results in various errors and issues. New techniques create different results from the previous one. Experimenting with new techniques may change the results that appear like errors. This method has a substantial impact on the financial book of the business.  

Reconcile Account Statements 

To find errors in the audit, an auditor reconciles bank statements to figure out discrepancies between bank statements and financial records. It helps in revealing missing or false transactions in trial balances.  

Perform Audits Periodically 

Regular audits to check the financial record play a vital role. Thorough analysis helps to examine the account balances, audit expenses, and other supporting documents that can make the audit much better. Regular audits reduce the errors and inaccuracies in the report.  

Use Software Tools  

There are many accounting tools on the internet that can help to check the credit audit. These tools help to find many potential errors like misspelled information, duplicate entries, or wrong calculations. It not only thoroughly checks the report but saves time and detects human errors easily.  

However, paying attention to every detail while checking the accounting mistakes is difficult. Many minor errors left undetected become the reason for major discrepancies in the financial book. With inaccurate information, it can badly affect the decision of the business.  

Double Check Calculations  

To provide accurate information, you need to double-check the formula, equation, and number in the calculations. Keep the data exact to avoid any type of error. If one calculation is wrong, it affects the whole report. Therefore, it would be best for the auditor to check the calculations carefully.  


Verifying audit mistakes is important to maintain accuracy. By using appropriate methods, the company can reduce the potential risk of errors. When reviewing a credit audit, it is essential to pay attention to minor details that are showing errors. If you want to get an analysis of your credit report, you can contact us at 888-660-0641.

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